Monday, October 6, 2008

Supernatural Se04Ep03 "In The Beginning"

Dum dum daaa! Now, I get it! And more Castiel - yeay! Erm, he's still wearing the same trench coat since we first saw him. Don't angels need a change of clothes? Maybe they are divinely hygienic creatures? Who can tell? For all we know, Castiel is an angel of travel and Thursdays. That Kripke, always with his sense of humor LOL

In this episode, Dean gets transported thru time back to when his parents, John and Mary, were young 'uns and not yet married. We know from the preview that he is sent back by Castiel to stop something.


"Dean.. I have something to tell you..." Ha! I wish! I really do..

Did anybody else get bothered by the scene with Dean waking u
p from a nightmare and Castiel sitting beside him on the bed, or was it just me? Erm, my inner slasher will be working overtime thanks to that particular scene *licks lips suggestively*

“Sammy wherever you are, mom’s a babe. I’m going to hell…again.” - Dean

That quote totally wins at life LOL. Jensen Ackles has perfect comedic
timing and his facial expression was just right. He is a talented, talented man. As you all know, I watch Supernatural for the plot and the abundance of erm... talent on the show *coughcough*

So Mary was a hunter too. And so were gramps Winchesters. No wonder the boys are such good hunters. It's their jeans... I mean, genes. These time traveling plots always boggle me to no ends so I'll stick to the basics.

Castiel sent Dean back to change the past. Now, if we think about this carefully, we know this doesn't make sense. But I digress. Azezel, as he is affectionately known among his demon friends, or Yellow Eyed Demon (YED) as he is better known among Supernatural fans, makes the deals back then. The catch? Not souls, apparently. Just to let him feed his blood to your offspring so they can lead his army of demons. You know, same 'ol, same 'ol.

"So then every jumps out and say.. Surprise!" (Dean) "I don't get it" (Samuel)

The Wichester clan, grampa, mom and Dean, stops the demon as he was about to make a deal and that was how he first met Mary.

Stop! Something just occured to me. What was Mary's maiden name? Technically, they're not the Winchester clan, but let's proceed for the sake of clarity and my sanity, shall we?

As I was saying,
the Wichester clan, grampa, mom and Dean, stops the demon as he was about to make a deal and that was how he first met Mary. Turns out YED has a thing for spunky blondes. Did he knew she was special then? Did Mary have special powers too? I don't know. But after Dean failed to kill YED with the Colt, which he borrowed, he told the truth to Samuel, his grandfather that he was from the future.

Turns out, gramps is possesed by YED. Go figure. Took them 3 generations to figure out to just put a tattoo on their skin so that that can't happen? Hmph! YED continues to kill grandma and stick a knife into grampa just for good measure. Oh, he kills John Winchester too. Mary made a deal with YED to save John's life. So now we know.

Castiel then appears and transports Dean back to present time. On the bed. Again. Erm, wow. My inner slasher just imploded. Then Castiel tells Dean that he couldn't have changed anything anyways, that he cannot change destiny. He just wanted Dean to know the truth about his family. A-ha! I told you that going back in time to change history was almost certain no-no!

Castiel the nods to the empty bed next to Dean. Where is Sammy? Off on a date with his demon gal pal, The Demon Formerly Known As Ruby?

"This car is way cooler than the Impala. Sorry, Dean" Gah, blasphemy!

"Your brother is headed on dangerous road, Dean. We don't know where it will lead. So stop it. Or we will." - Castiel
To be continued next week... Gah! Is this a great show or what?


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