Thursday, October 9, 2008

Heroes Se03Ep02 "The Butterfly Effect"

I am at a loss for words. How can I possibly sit and write a review for the episode, when all I want to do is go watch the next one? Damn it!

Well, the good doctor has finally gone bad boy on us and decides it's about time he got some action. Score! Oooh, who's been a naughty doctor then? It seems that with great power, comes great sense of irresponsibility. Mohinder and Maya do the dirty deed in the lab, no less!

Check out the doc's lean and hairless body!

Hiro and Ando travel all the way Paris, France in pursuit of the superfast thief that has stolen the formula. Hiro still doesn't trust Ando, after travelling to the future just in time to see Ando kill him with red electrity bolt type power. The dynamics between these two are just enjoyable. Or maybe it's just the speaking in Japanese that did it for me? Will Ando eventually betray Hiro because he chose Daphne, super sonic girl, over him? Hey, it could happen! Again, our poor Hiro was outsmarted and the formula was once again out of his grasp. Way to prolong the foreplay!

Peter saves Claire from being hit by a train. Well, future!Peter did. Again, I am captivated and kinda weirded out how coupl-y they look together on screen. I think I should stop watching gossip channel. It's messing up my experience in watching Heroes. Would've been fun though to see Claire being hit by a train. Erm, right. Moving on.

"Is that a gun in your pocket, or are just happy to see me?"

Ahhh, Nikki. Or Jessica. Or Tracy. Is she yet another manifestation of Nikki's split personality? Or a completely new person, complete with new powers to freeze people? And what happened to Micah and that girl with copycat power? I'm not placing any bets on this one. The writer's will certainly find a way to completely throw me off the trail. Those people must be paid for their talent in gold. Literally.

Is Linderman really alive? Or has Nathan finally lost it? I am going for the latter, I think. But like I said, the shows' writers have a way of squirming out of the most impossible loopholes and leave the viewers baffled and confused.

The Level 5 villains have escaped! Yeay! I think. It's about time we got to see how real badasses work. Sylar who?

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LiXa the Mama Alya said...

oh shit!
this series are getting more and more twisted!!

now peter/nathan's mother is Sylar's mother also????

owh shit!

Shareen Mohd Saleh said...

If Angela Petrelli is Sylar's mother... who is the father? Tadaaaa!!!!

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